Our Story
Campus Ministry has been a long time effort of Global Missions. Many churches have reached out to students or helped strengthen their own students attending secular institutions.  As a result many students, after finding a life change and a purpose to live, have gone into ministry, many times returning home to win family and friends.
 It was in 1995 through the vision of the then director of Global Missions, Bro. Harry Scism that a committee was formed to develope campus ministry as arm  of Global Missions.  Bro. Cliff Readout was the first International Coordinator commissioned in 1996.  The awareness began to grow in varias regions of the world.  In 2003 Monte Showalter was asked to fill the position and at that time regional coordinators were appointed to work along side of Bro. Showalter.  This brought about chapters being opened on universities in many parts of the world.  
This ministry has opened unreached countries through international students being converted and returning to their home country to share the Whole Gospel.  
    The Covid pandemic was a difficult time with no gatherings on campuses and classes all being done online without much interaction between students.  Amazingly the push to use technology was utilized in numerous places  around the world and students were reached as a result.
In most of the world things are normalizing and The Gospel is being shared face to face among students once again.  Reaching students is an effective ministry in our day as youth are looking for answers and purpose for their lives.  The whole Gospel of the Death Burial and Resurrection of Jesus is supplying those answers and giving them purpose for their lives!

Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly asked questions 

How Do I advertise on-campus and on social media ?

Check out your local Student Services Center or Student Union to know how to legally advertise on campus. Usually its just getting your flyer approved with a stamp. Its a quick and easy Process. 

Also remember to utilize your social media too to advertise. The majority of students are on social media – great way to connect with them!

If I want to have a training session in my region, who do I contact?

Contact your local Regional GCM Director: 

Euro – Dennis Uecker 

Pacific – Stephen Merritt 

South America – Luke Campbell 

Africa – Chris Gibbs 

Can I have a GCM event though I am the only Apostolic on Campus ?


Check out our GCM Start-Up Guide on what steps to take to start your own GCM, even if you are the only apostolic on-campus!