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Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly asked questions 

How Do I advertise on-campus and on social media ?

Check out your local Student Services Center or Student Union to know how to legally advertise on campus. Usually its just getting your flyer approved with a stamp. Its a quick and easy Process. 

Also remember to utilize your social media too to advertise. The majority of students are on social media – great way to connect with them!

If I want to have a training session in my region, who do I contact?

Contact your local Regional GCM Director: 

Euro – Dennis Uecker 

Pacific – Stephen Merritt 

South America – Luke Campbell 

Africa – Chris Gibbs 

Can I have a GCM event though I am the only Apostolic on Campus ?


Check out our GCM Start-Up Guide on what steps to take to start your own GCM, even if you are the only apostolic on-campus!


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